Produkty dla en organizacja (45)



Organiczne ciecierzyce

Organiczne ciecierzyce

It contains a lot of protein, fiber and, most importantly, slow carbohydrates, thanks to which the body digests the food gradually and there is no sudden increase in the blood sugar level. In addition, the human body acquires a feeling of satiety and can withstand several hours without food, fully satisfied with the useful substances contained in chickpeas. Color:Light yellow Pallet:Wooden pallet, stretched
Import-eksport - Żywność i Rolnictwo

Import-eksport - Żywność i Rolnictwo

Import-export - Food and Agriculture


Rafinowany olej słonecznikowy

Rafinowany olej słonecznikowy

Refined Sunflower Oil
Miód Ekologiczny

Miód Ekologiczny

Organic Honey
Cukier Marka Własna

Cukier Marka Własna

Sugar Privet Label
Torba Cukru

Torba Cukru

Sugar Bag


Krem sezamowy

Krem sezamowy

Sesame Creame
Organiczny surowy olej słonecznikowy, wysokoleinowy

Organiczny surowy olej słonecznikowy, wysokoleinowy

Extracted from high quality peeled sunflower seeds by cold pressing, without heating and without chemical processing. STORAGE In a cool place protected from direct sunlight COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Bulgaria. Color:Golden
Organiczna mąka pełnoziarnista orkiszowa

Organiczna mąka pełnoziarnista orkiszowa

It is distinguished by its nutritional qualities, including protein and fiber, which are several times higher than those of wheat. Advantages: has a beneficial effect on the immune system Suitable for: making different pastries Easy to process, has good taste and is slightly sweeter than usual. Gives a slightly darker color to baked goods. Benefits of einkorn - eases digestion, controls cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation, improves bone health, boosts immunity, reduces the chances of diabetes by decreasing the level of cholesterol.
Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno

Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno

Extracted from high quality peeled sunflower seeds by cold pressing, without heating and without chemical processing. Advantages: without chemical processing Suitable for: preparation of sauces, marinades and mayonnaise flavoring salads Cold-pressed sunflower oil is obtained by first dehusking the seeds and then pressing them into a press. With this method of extracting the oil, a large part of the oil remains in the seeds, but the taste, vitamins and minerals are preserved. to thermally processed foods when the latter cool down. This type is considered particularly useful because it is only subject to filtering. It completely preserves phosphatides, sterols, tocopherols and other useful components. It has a pleasant taste and odor.
Żywność Dietetyczna i Organiczna

Żywność Dietetyczna i Organiczna

Dietary and Organic Foods


Olej słonecznikowy

Olej słonecznikowy

Sunflower Oil
Organiczna mąka orkiszowa - Pełnoziarnista

Organiczna mąka orkiszowa - Pełnoziarnista

Отличава се със своите хранителни качества, сред който протеини и фибри, които са в пъти по-високи от тези на пшеницата. Предимства: -действа благоприятно на храносмилането Подходящо за: - приготвяне на различни печива Лесно за обработка, има добри вкусови качества. За разлика от пшеницата, спелтата съдържа 2 пъти повече белтъчини и цинк, както и множество витамини, има по-ниски нива на глутен и е приятно на вкус. Ползи на спелтата - улеснява храносмилането, контролира нивата на холестерола, подобрява кръвообращението, подобрява здравето на костите, повишава имунитета, контролира диабета
Organiczne białko słonecznika

Organiczne białko słonecznika

Natural and pure sunflower protein powder in bulk. It is mainly used in the food industry. The main advantages are that it is produced from non-GMO sunflower. It is also used in the health industry as it is a good source of phospholipids, choline and inositol. Color:Light yellow Pallet:Wooden pallet, stretched 1000 kg
Biała Słonecznik - Organiczny

Biała Słonecznik - Organiczny

Суровите органични слънчогледови семки са богат източник на протеини - 6 грама на порция. Те съдържат също така есенциални мастни киселини като олеинова и линолова киселина, които са свързани с понижаване на нивата на кръвната захар, намаляване на „лошия“ холестерол и подобряване на метаболизма.
Organiczny rafinowany olej słonecznikowy (RBDW), wysoka zawartość oleju

Organiczny rafinowany olej słonecznikowy (RBDW), wysoka zawartość oleju

Produced using certified organic technology from high-quality organic sunflower seeds. Suitable for heat processing and cold consumption. STORAGE In a cool place protected from direct sunlight COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Bulgaria. Color:Light yellow Taste and odour:Pleasant
Organiczny olej słonecznikowy do gotowania - wysoka zawartość oleju

Organiczny olej słonecznikowy do gotowania - wysoka zawartość oleju

Produced using certified organic technology from high-quality organic sunflower seeds. Suitable for heat processing and cold processing. Advantages: suitable for repeated use Suitable for: preparation of sauces, marinades and mayonnaise flavoring salads High oleic oils are produced from a special type of sunflower that is high in monounsaturated fats. Such fats are present in olive oil, but it also has a lot of polyunsaturated fats, which makes it an unsuitable choice for cooking. The oleic acid content makes the oil suitable for frying and resistant to high heat. Thanks to the linoleic acid in the composition, the fat increases the immune defense of the body.
Organiczny olej słonecznikowy do gotowania

Organiczny olej słonecznikowy do gotowania

Produced using certified organic technology from high-quality organic sunflower seeds. Advantages: suitable for repeated use Suitable for: heat processing flavoring salads Thanks to the linoleic acid in the composition, the fat increases the immune defense of the body. It supports healthy cell growth in the stomach, lungs, skin, breasts and colon. Normalizes blood pressure and blood sugar level. Helps with diabetes by lowering the level of bad cholesterol.
Organiczny olej słonecznikowy do gotowania

Organiczny olej słonecznikowy do gotowania

Produced using certified organic technology from high-quality organic sunflower seeds. Advantages: suitable for repeated use Suitable for: heat processing flavoring salads Thanks to the linoleic acid in the composition, the fat increases the immune defense of the body. It supports healthy cell growth in the stomach, lungs, skin, breasts and colon. Normalizes blood pressure and blood sugar level. Helps with diabetes by lowering the level of bad cholesterol.
Miód - Miód Ekologiczny

Miód - Miód Ekologiczny

Honey 100% Natural
Organiczny Olej Słonecznikowy - Tłoczony na Zimno i Wysokoleinowy

Organiczny Olej Słonecznikowy - Tłoczony na Zimno i Wysokoleinowy

Извлича се от висококачествени белени слънчогледови ядки, чрез студено пресоване, без загряване и без химична обработка. Предимства: - мек аромат и приятен вкус - без химична обработка Подходящо за: - овкусяване на салати - приготвяне на сосове Не съдържа токсични остатъчни агенти (киселини) от химични обработки, понеже в процеса на добиване такива не се използват.Използва се само и единствено в студената кухня – салати, зеленчукови джобове или се добавя към термично обработени храни, когато изстинат.
Ekologiczny łuskany orkisz

Ekologiczny łuskany orkisz

Spelt has a higher content of protein, fiber and B vitamins and is more easily absorbed by the body. It can be ground into flour or cooked as a substitute for rice or potatoes or added to soups and salads. Color:Light yellow
Ekologiczna mąka orkiszowa

Ekologiczna mąka orkiszowa

Spelt has a higher content of protein, fiber and B vitamins and is more easily absorbed by the body. It can be ground into flour or cooked as a substitute for rice or potatoes or added to soups and salads Color:Light yellow Moisture:Low (50 - 60% RH)
Organiczny rafinowany olej słonecznikowy, linolowy (RBDW)

Organiczny rafinowany olej słonecznikowy, linolowy (RBDW)

Produced using certified organic technology from high-quality organic sunflower seeds. Suitable for heat processing and cold consumption. STORAGE In a cool place protected from direct sunlight COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Bulgaria Color:Light yellow Taste and odour:Pleasant
Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno - wysoka oleinowa

Organiczny olej słonecznikowy tłoczony na zimno - wysoka oleinowa

Produced using certified organic technology from high-quality organic sunflower seeds. Suitable for heat processing and cold consumption. Advantages: suitable for multiple use Suitable for: preparation of sauces, marinades and mayonnaise flavoring salads High oleic oils are produced from a special type of sunflower that is high in monounsaturated fats. Such fats are present in olive oil, but it also has a lot of polyunsaturated fats, which makes it an unsuitable choice for cooking. The oleic acid content makes the oil suitable for frying and resistant to high heat. Thanks to the linoleic acid in the composition, the fat increases the immune defense of the body.
Organiczne chipsy słonecznikowe

Organiczne chipsy słonecznikowe

Organic sunflower chips Color:Light yellow Taste and odour:Pleasant